The All Comers Band (ACB) is a beloved aspect of our first Friday dances. Visitors always are impressed by this merry assemblage of musicians; we locals love it too.
Early ACB leaders–Phyllis Buchanan, Tom Fowler, and Jennifer Armstrong–had a vision of inclusiveness, participation, community-building, dance musicianship… and FUN.

From January 2017 to August 2018, the All Comers Band was ably led by various members of the busy and talented–and always smiling–Gawler Family and Bennett Konesni. The BFS board is grateful to Molly, Bennett, Ellen, Edith, Elsie, John, and wee Caspian, for so beautifully continuing the ACB tradition. Thank you, Gawlers and Bennett!
Now, we’re delighted to report that Julia Plumb is orchestrating the joyful chaos of the All Comers Band.

Julia has a long history of dancing and playing music in Maine. She has taught fiddle to all ages at Maine Fiddle Camp, at Acadia Trad School, and in her private studio. Her stellar dance musicianship is rooted in her obvious love of dancing. Lately she’s been leading a group jam for teen musicians on first Fridays at 4:30. (middle/high schoolers) Contact Julia[[email protected]] for info. We’re excited to see how the ACB evolves under her leadership.
Bring your instrument and join the fun — every first Friday at 6:00ish, to tune up and jam before the Community Dance commences.