Friday, December 1, 2017 marks twelve joyful, grooving years of Belfast Flying Shoes dancing in Belfast! So along with the sublime music, spirited dancing, and warm community we enjoy every first Friday, this month we’ll have an actual party, complete with edible treats, extra door prizes, and even more revelry than usual.
As always, the location is American Legion Post #43, 143 Church Street in Belfast. The evening begins at 6:30 pm with a Community Dance called by Chrissy Fowler and with music by the All-Comers Band. All musicians are welcome to sit in. Fun and simple dances will be taught, giving beginners the opportunity to learn new skills and offering experienced dancers a chance to brush up on their steps. The Contra Dance begins at 8:00 pm.

This month’s caller is Maine-based John McIntire. John found his calling, as it were, back in the early 90s. Now he calls New England contra, square, and circle dances at venues around Maine. His crisp, steady voice and clear teaching style make every dance a pleasure for novice and expert alike. Joining John on the Flying Shoes stage will be …

Dance Panther
With all the great contra dance musicians roving the New England landscape, why do so many of the hottest bands include at least one of these guys? Ours is not to reason why; ours is but to balance, swing, and carry on.
Alden Robinson—fiddle
Glen Loper—mandolin & tenor banjo
Bethany Waickman
—guitar & piano
Sound by Glen Loper
Admission to the Community Dance is $2 for adults and $1 for children. Admission to the Contra Dance is $10 for adults, $8 for ages 13 to 20 and adult All-Comers, and $5 for children. Bring along a window fan and get $1 off. For more information: call 338-0979, email us at [email protected]. Find us on Facebook too!