When we wrote the first Rays of Sunshine post in March 2020, we hungered for inspiration from others. In the last few weeks, we’ve realized that Belfast Flying Shoes is emitting plenty of bright light of our own.
Here are some highlights of recent programming, including a few new videos on our BFS YouTube channel.
Going out! Lowell, Cindy, Doug, and Don wrap up a tune from the gazebo stage.
Nous avons passé une soirée fantastique! Wow, what a good time at our pop up event on Sept 16, 2021 with Cindy Larock, Don Cunningham & Doug Protsik, jamming musicians, and a zesty group of Quebecois step dance participants of all ages. The purple dance spots were gorgeous in the evening light, and the disco ball on the gazebo was outshone by a nearly full moon rising over the bay.
The various steps from the routine in Cindy’s Review Video, below, can be practiced using these Audio samples (five tempo variations, including “glacial”!)
Our first step into collaborating with Strung Together and the Makers Guild at Searsport Shores was super sweet. The Montville Project was in rare form, playing a variety of waltzes along with some regular members of the All Comers Band, as folks spun around the dance floor. We look forward to future collaborations with Strung Together and the Maker’s Guild!
What a thrill to use some of our youth programming funds to provide community-building music, song, dance, and movement programs for displaced students and staff at the Captain Albert Stevens School! (See our Sept 8 newsletter for the back story, and this article in the Republican Journal has photos of ukes in action plus a shout out to BFS.)
Special thanks to the City of Belfast for use of Steamboat Landing and the Common on sunny and dry days, and to the UU Church of Belfast for use of their building on rainy or wet days! Yeah community support!
Ando Anderson taught ukulele to band students; Ethan Tischler led ukulele and song/movement sessions; Dean Anderson shared five animals tai chi; Cindy Larock and the Maine Folque Coop performed fiddle tunes and rhythms from Quebec, Ireland & more; and Chrissy Fowler dove into songs, movement, and some dancing from different cultures and countries. We’re continuing the BFS connection with CASS, including new programs with hand drum percussion and work songs, and we look forward to providing similar programming in other schools. Contact [email protected].
Sundays in the Park will conclude on October 3, starting at 2:30 pm, with Cape Breton step dancing and music, featuring Katie McNally & Neil Pearlman. Support these talented artists and enjoy some terrific participatory arts on the waterfront.
The 1st Friday Flying Shoes Radio Hour on WBFY has gotten some props lately, including for our recent”All Request” show. “Great show last evening! Thanks for playing my requests and for all the lovely words you said!!” The Oct 1 show will also feature requests. (6:00pm EST, 100.9 FM in Belfast, streaming at belfastcommunityradio.org, and on demand all week)
Music lessons at the Reentry Center are ongoing, and we recently were given several instruments for the program. Generous funders include a local church whose members donated the quarterly proceeds from their fifth Sunday collection. We are eager to resume our community dance program with residents and staff as soon as it’s feasible.
Our Sing Along and Tap Your Toes program for older adults is winding up and the concerts will be available for viewers of all ages via Belfast Community Media on their Vimeo channel and BCTV2 (on Spectrum cable channels 2 and 1301).
One more ray sunshine is you, our dear BFS community, for reading our news and for participating in our programs in all the ways you do (attending, playing, dancing, watching, listening, supporting, and more!) Thank you one and all!