As we clean up our gardens and pull out our winter gear, BFS has been busy with a bunch of public programs. Here are two recaps and a reminder of one more outdoor extravaganza ~ a popup event in Searsport!
Trip to Scotland at Searsport Shores ~ Oct 11
When we heard the acclaimed Scottish fiddler from the Washington DC area, Sean Heely, was going to be be here with time on his hands, we leapt at the chance to host him and his award-winning student from Maine, Owen Kennedy, for a workshop, concert & jam. Hope to see you there! (And bring your dance shoes if you want to practice your Cape Breton steps to live music — the two musical traditions are deeply connected, and Sean & Owen are sure to play jigs, strathspeys, and reels to delight us all.)
- Monday, Oct 11 ~ 2:00 workshop ~ 3:00 concert & post-concert session
- Trip to Scotland with Sean Heely & Owen Kennedy
- Free admission, with suggested donations ($1 -$35) to support performer compensation, the Makers Guild’s instrument lending library at the Carver Memorial Library in Searsport, and Belfast Flying Shoes.
- Searsport Shores Campground, 216 West Main St, Searsport

Radio Hour ~ Oct 1
Last chance to listen on demand to the Oct 1 Belfast Flying Shoes Radio Hour with host Chrissy Fowler – requests, waltzes, Scottish & Cape Breton tunes, and more. NOTE: The icon may be for First Americans Story Hour, but it’s actually the BFS Radio Hour!
Sundays in the Park ~ Oct 3
Whoa! What a glorious time with Katie McNally & Neil Pearlman, even under grey skies. Neil’s Cape Breton step dance workshop got us moving to three different tune types: jig, strathspey & reel. He recorded tutorials as reminders for participants (or introductions for folks who missed the party!). They’re posted on the BFS YouTube channel. The mystical grape BFS dance spots are beautifully scuffed up now!
In their music workshop, Katie and Neil taught the Last March, a tune by the late John Morris Rankin. They performed the tune to close their concert set, joined on stage by the workshop participants.
The jam session with the Belfast Bay Fiddlers and company rounded out the evening in fine form. Thanks again to everyone who showed up at Steamboat Landing, made a donation, and danced & played music. You are the best!