Today, we’re tying on our Flying Shoes to leap! into “Fundraising 2020“. We’re raising $15,000 from at least 150 contributors, and we’d love your support!
As of February 29th Leap Day, 38 people have given $3,671.33 (almost 25% of both goals.) Wow! … And now, we’re even closer thanks to your support! See Fundraising 2020 for up to date info!
Since 2005, Flying Shoes has connected thousands of people to traditional, participatory music and dance and to each other, via our First Friday Community & Contra Dances and our Outreach Programs. First Fridays are self-sustaining, thanks to loyal dancers and All Comers Band musicians, but every outreach program requires outside funding.
The $15,000 is for:
- Reentry Center dance & music programs = $ 5k (BFS must match a grant.)
- Free dances in public parks = $ 4k (see last year’s Dancing in the Park schedule)
- Other Outreach Programs = $ 6k (workshops for musicians, organizers, and dancers; school residencies; programs for older adults; teacher mentoring; and more!)
We know these programs are valuable, and others agree:
“Belfast Flying Shoes has always been an inspiration to me for how to really engage the community, and these programs are just one more example.” -Contra Dance Caller
“I feel complete! Between the dance materials and my music literacy resources, I have enough to inspire me until retirement.” – K-5 Music Teacher
“Contra dances heal me.” -Nurse Practitioner
“I had to step a little out of my comfort zone, but it was so fun and energetic that I smiled the whole time.” -Reentry Center Resident
“I was amazed by how well-behaved and engaged our students were, with the whole student body dancing in the gymnasium. This was an incredible experience for them!” -Elementary School Principal
We’ve had a phenomenal outpouring of support already. Please join us!
To make a tax-deductible donation and support our nonprofit’s community outreach programs, send a check to Belfast Flying Shoes, 93 Kaler Rd, Belfast, ME 04915 or click the “Donate” button our website.
Thank you, one and all!