Achieving 2021 goals of $16,000 and 160 donors:

We completed our 2021 Annual Appeal, raising $16,703.34 from 165 contributors to help sustain BFS and our community-based programs, which have reached over 1,000 adults & children in 2021. THANK YOU, EVERYONE!
Oh, you wonderful people … Thanks to your contributions in our anniversary week in early December, we got a $2,400 challenge gift! Your collective outpouring of love and support has us soaring, especially since you helped us achieve our 2021 Annual Appeal goals. Woo-hoo!
Our dear 2021 donors and program partners!
- Anonymous
- Participants~Open Air Kitchen Party
- Participants~Sundays in the Park
- Participants~Trip to Scotland
- Tara & Wade Ambrose
- Ando Anderson
- Dean & Jan Anderson
- Jennifer Armstrong
- Maro Avakian
- Big Moose Band*
- Christina Barstow
- Mary Bigelow
- Jacob & Nancy Bloom
- Gary Bridgham
- Paul Brown
- Margo Burnham
- Cedar Callahan
- Cedar Callahan*
- Peggy & Bill Callahan
- Neil Caudill
- Pat Cannon’s Music Studio
- Robin Chandler
- Natalie Charles
- Steve Chiasson
- Ian & Meg Chittenden
- Steve Clement
- Tom & Fran Clemetson
- Willy Clemetson
- Marcia Coakley
- Bill Colwell
- Meredith Creswell
- Kathy Crowley
- Walt & Susan Cudnohufsky
- Susan Cutting
- Charlotte & Tom Cyr
- Marian Dalton
- Dance of Health
- Jay Davis
- Sandy Davis
- Jim Doble
- Bill & Sofie Dowling
- Anne Dreesen
- Anna Durand
- Sian Evans
- Don Fitterer
- Liz & Rick Fitzsimmons
- Albert & Marian Fowler
- Chrissy Fowler
- Chrissy Fowler*
- Liz Fowler
- George & Pat Fowler
- Tom & Annadeene Fowler
- Elizabeth Garber
- Ellen & John Gawler
- Molly Gawler
- Molly Gawler*
- Bradford Gentry
- Robyn Goff
- Prentice Grassi
- Lisa Greenleaf
- Peggy & Lee Hale
- Meikle & Hamilton Hall
- Christie Hallowell
- Nancy Hanrahan
- Michelle Henkin
- Janet Houghton
- Linda & Brooks Hurley
- Sally Jaskold
- Eric Johnson
- Jody Johnstone
- Christina Kennedy
- Barbara Klie
- Brooke Bartlett Kneller
- Edie Konesni
- Kenneth Kornfield
- Wendy & John Krueger
- Renee & Joe LaCasse
- Cindy Larock
- Ned Lightner
- Sandy Lord
- Alex Mann
- Chuck Markowitz
- Lauren McDonald
- Julia & Lauren McDonald-Plumb*
- Paul McKechnie
- Valerie & Greg Mekras
- Betsy Mellors
- Barbara Meyers
- David Millstone
- Joanne Moesswilde
- John Monroe
- Sheila Moran
- Grace Morgan
- Mary Morrison
- Pat & Bob Munchbach
- Lisa Newcomb
- Annie Nixon
- Dottie & Scott Odell
- Buck O’Herin
- Destry Oldham-Sibley
- Kathy Olmstead
- Sue & Bucky Owen
- Toki Oshima
- Don Osier
- Jim Peary
- Julia Plumb
- May Plumb
- Judy Powers
- John Pranio
- John Pranio*
- Tom Prunier
- Jane Rainey
- Leah Rand
- Ben Retberg
- Alden Robinson
- Maggie Robinson
- Eric Rolfson
- Bonnie Rukin
- Anna Shapley-Quinn
- Ruth Shaw
- Paul Shepherd
- Polly Shyka
- Liz Sizeler
- David & Linda Garson Smith
- Deb Smith
- Bruce & Liz Snider
- Brenda & Jory Squibb
- Kristine Stratton
- Ethan Tischler
- Ethan Tischler*
- Mary & Jim Tolles
- Sue Volmer
- Bethany Waickman
- Allison Watters
- Dick Wilkins
- Eileen Wolper
- Elisabeth Wolfe
- Seth Yentes
- Kay Zegel
A contribution was made in memory of (#) this person | in honor of (*) this person.