Belfast Flying Shoes programs, below, w/ details on our monthly dances, weekly Radio Hour and First Friday Sponsors
Check DownEast Friends of the Folk Arts for more ~
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BFS Programs (& BFS-sponsored Events)
JANUARY 31 – FEBRUARY 6, Friday-Thursday ~ Radio Hour featuring Wild Asparagus ~ Program partnership with WBFY: Belfast Community Radio ~ In November 2022, Chrissy Fowler sat down to chat with the musicians in Wild Asparagus, a band whose influence on contra dance music is profound. The quartet (Ann Percival, Becky Tracy, David Cantieni & George Marshall) had just played for a BFS dance at the Rockport Opera House, and they shared stories and some tunes. We’re delighted to release the recording in this moment, because 2024 marked the 40th anniversary for the original Wild Asparagus trio, and was the 30th since Becky joined the band as their fiddler. The show airs Fri @ 6 pm, replays Wed @ 1 pm, and is on demand from Feb 1st-6th. (Tune in at 100.9 FM on the radio, via livestream, on the tablet/phone stream, or on demand. Scroll until you see the Flying Shoes Radio Hour icon, and enjoy!)

FEBRUARY 4, Tuesday ~ Flying Shoes Youth Jam (in the All Comers Band style) ~ Starting Tuesday, Feb 4, Maisie Newell is facilitating a NEW Youth Jam for kids and teens from 4:00-5:00 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 37 Miller St in Belfast. The group is geared toward young players who consider themselves intermediate to advanced level, and the pace will be similar to the medium or fast jams at Maine Fiddle Camp (MFC). Maisie will introduce a variety of fiddle tunes using her skills as a Suzuki violin teacher and MFC staffer, and she’ll definitely keep it FUN FOR ALL! Sliding scale $10-15 at the door. Info: [email protected]
FEBRUARY 7 ~ First Friday Dances ~ (Scroll down for 1st Fri details) The contra dance features Alex Deis-Lauby calling, with music by River Road (Sarah Yakir-Hadley, Kristen Planeaux & Jesse Ball) All Comers Band tunes of the month on the ACB page!
MARCH 7 ~ First Friday Dances
MARCH 21, Friday ~ OH! Flying Shoes! ~ Special dance as the 3rd Fri Brooks dance gets ready to end its winter break ~ Program partnership with the Rockport Opera House and the Town of Rockport. Let your shoes fly at this special program in a gorgeous & historic hall on the harbor in Rockport!
- 6 pm All Comers Band Warmup | 6:30-7:30 Community Dance with the All Comers Band | 8-11 pm Contra Dance with Will Mentor and Stomp Rocket (Dave Langford, Glen Loper, Bethany Waickman) $15 – 25 sliding scale admission*. The Rockport Opera House is at 6 Central St in Rockport. (*for folks only attending community dance, it’s $1kids/$2adults)
APRIL 4 ~ First Friday Dances
MAY 2 ~ First Friday Dances
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Every WEEK ~ Flying Shoes Radio Hour:
An hour-long program that highlights the roots and branches of the contra dance music we love, here in Belfast and beyond; the musicians who play it with and for others; and the dancers of all ages that it inspires.
- Airs on WBFY: Belfast Community Radio, Fri @ 6 pm, replay Wed @ 1 pm, or listen on demand
- Tune in = 100.9 FM on the radio, via livestream, on the tablet/phone stream, or on demand.
- Special “in studio” shows with visiting musicians – coming soon in a podcast format!
Every MONTH ~ “Flying Shoes First Fridays”
Participatory social dance programs (see info below). Supported in part by these fabulous First Friday Sponsors:
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First Friday Dance DETAILS:
- 6:00 pm ~ Musicians Warmup ~ Tunes on the All Comers Band page
- 6:30-7:30 pm ~ Community Dance ~ Lisa Newcomb & Chrissy Fowler calling with the All Comers Band, led by Benjamin Foss & Willy Clemetson ~ Community Dance admission is $1 kids, $2 adults
- 8:00-11:00 pm ~ Contra Dance ~ We use the terms lark and robin to identify the dance roles. (More on roles, here.) ~ Contra Dance Admission includes Community Dance admission and is $15 – $25 (paying in this range lets us cover expenses & compensate the amazing performers; please contribute as much as you can!)
LOCATION: First Church in Belfast UCC, 8 Court St, Belfast (enter via Spring St)
POLICIES: See Community Care Policy and First Friday FAQ ~ BFS programs are chem free (please be sober) ~ Stay home if you don’t feel well
2024 SPONSORS: Artisan Builders, Belfast Community Co-op, Colburn Shoe Store, Daisychain Farm, First National Bank, Grace Chiropractic, The Green Store, Searsport Shores Oceanfront Camping, Thomas Fowler PE, Trillium Caterers, and Worth Real Estate
EVERYONE IS WELCOME at this two-part monthly dance series. From neophytes to lifelong participants, and so many other demographic variations, we all collaborate to make this community-building participatory arts program a joyful success. See you at the dance!
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Past Programs:
JAN 5 ~ First Friday Dances ~ (Scroll up for details) The contra dance features Chrissy Fowler calling, with music by Don & Cindy Roy (Don Roy, Cindy Roy & Jay Young) and John Pranio on sound.
FEB 2 ~ First Friday Dances ~ (Scroll up for details) The contra dance features Ben Sachs-Hamilton calling, with music by Starling (Mo Brachfeld & Jared Kirkpatrick).
MARCH 1 ~ First Friday Dances ~ (Scroll up for details) The contra dance features Chris Ricciotti calling, with music by Honey BEE (Benjamin Foss, Emily Troll, Eric Boodman) and Eric Johnson on sound.
MARCH 10, Sunday ~ Music and Movement in the Classroom ~ Chrissy Fowler leads a session at the 20th anniversary party for the Maine Association for the Education of Young Children ( ~ 6:00 – 8:00 pm at Windham Middle School in Windham, ME ~ Join us for two-hours of joyful learning and community connection with networking and social opportunities, plus dancing and playing with your peers! 1-hour elective training certificate included; no cost to participate; register here.
MARCH 15, Friday ~ OH! Flying Shoes! ~ Special 3rd Friday dance while the Brooks dance is on winter break ~ Program partnership with the Rockport Opera House and the Town of Rockport
- 6pm All Comers Band Warmup | 6:30-7:30 Community Dance: Chrissy Fowler calling with the All Comers Band | 8-11 pm Contra Dance: Lisa Greenleaf calling with Eloise & Co. (Becky Tracy – fiddle; Rachel Bell – accordion; Bethany Waickman – guitar). $15 – 25 sliding scale admission. The Rockport Opera House is at 6 Central St in Rockport. Come let your shoes fly at this special program in a gorgeous & historic hall on the harbor in the coastal village of Rockport! (*for folks only attending community dance, it’s $1kids/$2adults)
MARCH 16, Saturday ~ DownEast Country Dance Festival ~ The return of DECDF! A full day of dancing and performances in Topsham. Featured performers are Lisa Greenleaf w/ Eloise & Co. and Hannah Chamberlain w/ Benjamin Foss, Bennett Konesni & Noah Fishman. Details:
MARCH 17, Sunday ~ DECDF “Survivor’s Dance” ~ 1-4pm at the Topsham Grange with Eloise & Co and Lisa Greenleaf. Details:
MARCH 24, Sunday ~ Armenian / Eastern European Folk Dance ~ Special program of folk dancing led by Carolyn Rapkievian, with music and singing by Kotwica, 3:00 – 5:00 pm at the UU Church, 37 Miller St, Belfast. Admission $15-20 sliding scale. ~ Program partnership with the Makers Guild of Maine
- Carolyn is a skilled and gracious teacher who grew up dancing at Armenian picnics and studied many forms of international folk dance (especially Armenian, Russian, and Ukrainian traditions). The members of Kotwica are David Rapkievian (band leader) – violin, oud, balalaika; Anne Tatgenhorst (vocal director) – vocals; Carolyn Rapkievian (dance leader) – guitar, percussion; Kevin Stone – button accordion; David Quinby – bass; Eloise Schultz – vocals; and Frances Stockman – vocals
APRIL 5 ~ First Friday Dances ~ (Scroll up for details) The contra dance features Hannah Chamberlain calling, with music by Springtide (Willy Clemetson, Elsie Gawler & Ethan Tischler) and Alex Hennings on sound.
MAY 3 ~ First Friday Dances ~ (Scroll up for details) The contra dance features Lisa Greenleaf calling, with music by Julie Metcalf & Larry Unger, and John Pranio on sound.
MAY 4, Saturday ~ Hot Topics Contra Caller Chat ~ A convivial brunch meet-up for contra dance leaders to geek out and learn together, facilitated by Lisa Greenleaf. We’ll cover things like shaping the dance experience, dealing with difficult situations, and other critical aspects of dance leadership. Bring your hot topics! Starts promptly at 10:00 am – noon at Belfast Social Capital, on Spring St in Belfast. $10 – $20 sliding scale, includes brunch goodies. Pre-registration required: Here
MAY 11, Saturday ~ Atlantic Challenge “Sail Into Spring” Dance ~ BFS program partner, Atlantic Challenge USA, hosts a dance at the Belfast Boathouse, Chrissy Fowler calling with Ethan Tischler, Elsie Gawler & Owen Kennedy. Deets at
MAY 16, Thursday ~ Building Welcoming & Inclusive Community Services ~ A free training presented by staff of OUT Maine. Sponsored by Belfast Community Co-op, Belfast Dance Studio & Center for Embodiment, Belfast Flying Shoes, First Church in Belfast UCC, Restorative Justice Project, Unitarian Universalist Church of Belfast, and Waterfall Arts. At First Church in Belfast, 8 Court St (enter on Spring St) 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m, refreshments provided. Preregistration required, here.
JUNE 7 ~ First Friday Dances ~ (Scroll up for details) The contra dance features George Marshall calling, with music by Calico (Eric Boodman, Jesse Ball & Casey Murray), and George Marshall providing sound.
JUNE 20, Thursday ~ Summer Solstice ~ Celebrate Midsummer in Maine!! ~ Lots is happening locally, so we decided to move our Footbridge dance to Saturday. To celebrate the solstice on the Longest Day of the Year, check out these lovely music and dance offerings:
- Day 5 of the June week at Maine Fiddle Camp (where you’ll see many familiar people from BFS programs, dancers & musicians alike!) June 16-21 Details
- Summer Solstice by the Sea on Sears Island, featuring the SeaStrings Orchestra (many of whom are regulars in the BFS All Comers Band), 5:00-8:00 pm Details
- Community Dance & Drum at the Belfast Dance Studio, led by Shana Bloomstein with percussion by Jeff Densmore (a BFS teaching artist), 5:30-7:00 pm Details
JUNE 22, Saturday ~ Footbridge Dance ~ NEW DATE! ~ Program partnership with the Belfast Parks & Recreation Department ~ Community dance on the Armistice Footbridge. Fiddle tunes, participatory dance, and the just-past-Solstice sunshine sparkling on the waters of the Passagassawakeag River, Belfast Harbor, and Penobscot Bay. Use City parking on the west side & walk across the bridge to the dancing. Featuring the All Comers Band, led by John Pranio & Toki Oshima, with Chrissy Fowler calling. 6 pm musicians warm up, 6:30 pm dancing, 8:24 pm sunset. What could be finer!?!
JUNE 26 ~ Thurs at 5:30 pm: BFS sponsors Summer Nights ~ Fully Funktional | Muskeg
JUNE 29-30, Saturday & Sunday ~ Arts in the Park ~ BFS is a Chamber member & we’re sponsoring the Belfast Bay Fiddlers on Sunday at 10 am. The Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce and Belfast Parks & Recreation Department team up to present the 28th annual Arts in the Park, a landmark festival of arts and fine crafts on the Belfast waterfront! 10 am – 4 pm both days, at Steamboat Landing Park.
JULY 4 ~ Thurs at 5:30 pm: BFS sponsors Summer Nights ~ Becca Biggs | Noah Fishman + Friends
JULY 5 ~ First Friday Dances ~ (Scroll up for details) The contra dance features Chrissy Fowler calling, with music by Thunderwing (Cedar Stanistreet, Amy Englesberg & Benjamin Foss) and Eric Weest Johnson on sound.
JULY 11 ~ Thurs at 5:30 pm: BFS sponsors Summer Nights ~ MOJO (Mondaynite Jazz Orchestra)
JULY 18 ~ Thurs at 5:30 pm: BFS sponsors Summer Nights ~ David Lewis | Searsmont Street Band
JULY 19 – 25 ~ THIS WEEK ONLY ~ Pine Tree Flyers on Flying Shoes Radio Hour ~ Special studio recording first airs on WBFY: Belfast Community Radio, Fri @ 6 pm, replay Wed @ 1 pm or anytime Sat – Thurs. Tune in = 100.9 FM on the radio, via livestream, on the tablet/phone stream, or anytime during the week on demand
JULY 25 ~ Thurs at 5:30 pm: BFS sponsors Summer Nights ~ Bennett Konesni + Friends | Downeast Wailers
JULY 27, Saturday ~ Community Dance during “Live Outside the Library” ~ Program partnership with the Searsmont Town Library ~ Community dance with the BFS All Comers Band, led by Maisie Newell & Eric Dayan, and Chris Ricciotti calling, at 4pm, on the library lawn (indoors if inclement weather), free admission, bring a chair and your dancing heart! STL is at 37 Main St South in Searsmont. More info
JULY 28, Sunday ~ Armenian Picnic ~ Program partnership with the Makers Guild of Maine ~ A cultural day of music, dance, food & community, featuring the Maine Kef Ensemble, Kotwica, and folk dance leader Carolyn Okoomian Rapkievian. At Searsport Shores Oceanfront Campground from 11:00 am – 4:00 pm. Info and meal reservations at Advance meal tix now on sale – here.
AUG 1 ~ Thurs at 5:30 pm: BFS sponsors Summer Nights ~ Space Junk | Sugar Snaps
AUGUST 1, Thursday ~ English Country Dance ~ Special program with visiting caller Gaye Fifer, of Pittsburgh PA, leading dances from the English country dance repertoire, accompanied by delightful ECD music from Dave Langford on fiddle, Glen Loper on mandolin, and Bethany Waickman on piano and guitar. Waldo County Shrine Club, 85 Northport Ave in Belfast. 7:00 pm. Admission is $20 – $15.
English country dance is a tradition similar to our local contra culture, emphasizing both participatory dancing and live music. You may have seen Regency-era dancing in period films like “Pride & Prejudice”… Contemporary English dancing skips those costumes and keeps the gorgeous music and smiling people. Experience the delightful breadth of English dance repertoire: energetic and regal, frisky and deliberate, simple figures and slightly challenging sequences. Vive la différence!
AUGUST 2 ~ First Friday Dances ~ (Scroll down for 1st Fri details) The contra dance features Gaye Fifer calling, with music by Stomp Rocket (Dave Langford, Glen Loper, Bethany Waickman)
AUG 8 ~ Thurs at 5:30 pm: BFS sponsors Summer Nights ~ Bayou Brothers | Louisa Stancioff + the Kelly Brothers
AUGUST 11, Sunday ~ Community Dance on Vinalhaven Island ~ Program partnership with Vinalhaven PIE ~ Chrissy Fowler calling with the Vinalhaven All Stars (an All Comers Band) led by Alden Robinson & Toki Oshima. Musicians warm up at 6:00 pm, dance starts at 6:30 pm. Ferry Info here.
AUG 15~ Thurs at 5:30 pm: BFS sponsors Summer Nights ~ Jay Brown | The Right Track
AUG 22 ~ Thurs at 5:30 pm: BFS sponsors Summer Nights ~ Primo Cubano
AUG 29 ~ Thurs at 5:00 pm: BFS sponsors Summer Nights ~ Anni and the Rainmakers| The Hot Suppers
SEP 5 ~ Thurs at 5:00 pm: BFS sponsors Summer Nights ~ Tuba Skinny
SEPTEMBER 6 ~ First Friday Dances ~ (Scroll down for 1st Fri details) The contra dance features Maggie Robinson calling, with music by Spintuition (Willy Clemetson, Samuel Foucher, Silas Hamilton), and sound provided by John Pranio & Jamie Oshima.
SEPTEMBER 7, Saturday ~ Footbridge Dance ~ Program partnership with the Belfast Parks & Recreation Department ~ Community dance on the Armistice Footbridge. Fiddle tunes, participatory dance, and the almost-autumnal-equinox skies reflected on the waters of the Passagassawakeag River, Belfast Harbor, and Penobscot Bay. Use City parking on the west side & walk over the water to the dancing on the east side of the bridge. Featuring the All Comers Band, led by Maisie Newell & Eric Dayan, with Chrissy Fowler calling. Musicians warm up at 6 pm, the dance starts at 6:30 pm, continuing through the 7 pm sunset hour and into the evening. What could be finer!?!
SEPTEMBER 13-15, Friday – Sunday ~ Strung Together: Maine Folk Campout ~ Program partnership with the Makers Guild of Maine ~ A unique three-day experience that includes community jam sessions, dances, story-telling, and workshops. This year’s Strung Together is focused on various forms of Maine folk music—music brought to Maine by seafarers, lumberjacks, travelers, and homesteaders that we continue to play and love here in Maine. At Searsport Shores Oceanfront Campground. For more details and the talent, see the Strung Together schedule. Register here for the full weekend, or check out these two Strung Together a la carte options that are open to the public:
Fri 9/13 Concert & Dance, 6:30 – 9:00 pm only ~ Owen Marshall performs, followed by a community dance called by Patricia Danscen with the Strung Together Band led by Owen Marshall; $10-20 sliding scale, cash or check
Sat 9/14 Potluck Dinner & Dance, 5:30 – 9:00 pm only ~ Community dance called by Patricia Danscen with the Strung Together Band led by Benjamin Foss; $10-20 sliding scale, cash or check
SEPTEMBER 29, Sunday ~ Concert + Launch of the Midcoast Maine Community Square Dance Party ~ Program partnership with Chris Ricciotti and Crescent Moon Farm ~ Concert of Old Time Tunes, Cajun & Folk Ballads at 2:00 pm, a Square Dance Party at 4:00 pm, followed by a potluck supper and community singing! Caller Chris Ricciotti with musicians Cathy Mason (fiddle) and Sarah Jane Nelson (guitar.) At Crescent Moon Farm, 827 Woodmans Mill Road in Montville. Suggested Admission $10-$20. Info: [email protected], (207) 382-8300 or Facebook Group.
OCTOBER 4 ~ First Friday Dances ~ (Scroll down for 1st Fri details) The contra dance features Will Mentor calling, with music by Kingfisher (Cecilia Vacanti & Jeff Kaufman) with Alex Hennings on sound.
OCTOBER 5, Saturday ~ Leadership Lab for Callers ~ A convivial brunch and practicum session for contra, square, and community dance leaders to geek out and learn together, facilitated by Will Mentor. We’ll explore our unique role as leaders, and try out specific techniques we can use to teach style & safety tips to elevate dancer skill & connection on the dance floor. Be ready for active participation, and dress to move around! Starts promptly at 10:00 am, arrive anytime after 9:30 am. (Location and directions emailed in the registration confirmation.) $15 – $25 sliding scale, includes brunch goodies. Pre-registration required: Here
OCTOBER 6, Sunday ~ Square Dance Party ~ Special Old Time Square Dance dance party at the Simonton Corner Community Hall, 366 Main St in Rockport, 4:00 – 6:00 pm, with potluck to follow. Caller Will Mentor leads a variety of square dances with Emily Jeffries, Toki Oshima & Alex Scala playing the tunes, especially from the old-time music tradition. $10-20, bring your friends, bring a dish, bring your sense of adventure!
OCTOBER 20, Sunday ~ Midcoast Maine Community Square Dance Party ~ Program partnership with Chris Ricciotti and Crescent Moon Farm ~ Caller Chris Ricciotti with musicians Mary Fraser (fiddle), Maisie Newell (fiddle) and Emily Jeffries (guitar & fiddle.) At the Morrill Community Center (the former Honesty Grange No. 83), 4 North Main St in Morrill. 2-3:30 Couple Dance workshop (schottische variations and novelty dances like the Salty Dog Rag, Road to the Isles, Hot Pretzels) 4:00-6:30 pm Square Dance, followed by a potluck supper and community singing. Suggested Admission $10-$20. Info: Facebook Group.
IRISH MUSICIANS IN MAINE! ~ Program partnership with the Makers Guild of Maine and Bagaduce Music. Three days of programs featuring Irish fiddler Denis Liddy, American accordion and piano player Elvie Miller, and award-winning Irish ensemble Tigh na Coille (teeg nah quill-ah), all visiting from County Clare, Ireland. Read our recent blog post for more about this supergroup of teens!
OCTOBER 31, Thursday ~ Homeport Irish Session ~ Denis Liddy, Elvie Miller & Tigh na Coille will join the local Irish music session at Homeport Tavern in Searsport. The weekly session runs from 5:30 – 9:30 pm.
NOVEMBER 1, Friday ~ In-studio Performance ~ As “Featured Artists of the Week” on WERU Community Radio, Denis Liddy, Elvie Miller & Tigh na Coille will appear on WERU at 8:30 am.
NOVEMBER 1, Friday ~ Programs for Older Adults ~ Tigh na Coille will visit two older adult communities as part of our ongoing “Sing Along & Tap Your Toes” concert series (not open to the public)
NOVEMBER 1 ~ First Friday Dances ~ (Scroll down for 1st Fri details) The contra dance features David Millstone calling, with music by Denis Liddy, Elvie Miller & Tigh na Coille, and Lincoln Clapp on sound.
NOVEMBER 2, Saturday ~ Music Workshops w/ Irish musicians ~ Husband and wife duo, Denis Liddy (fiddle) and Elvie Miller (accordion & piano) are talented musicians and equally skilled teachers. (Elvie leads the intermediate level players, and Denis leads the advanced players.) Both workshops will be taught by ear, and will focus on melody, with rhythm players welcome to join. Workshop participants are invited to join Tigh na Coille for a set during the evening concert. Tickets at the door: Youth $10, General Admission $25, Pay it Forward to support BFS programs for youth $40. At Union Hall, 1 Union St, in Searsport at 1:00-3:00 pm; Doors open at 12:15pm.
NOTE: Workshop participants & families are invited to a potluck supper to forge additional social connections. Bring a dish to share, and arrive by 4:30 in the back room at Mermaid Plaza, 1 East Main St in Searsport. During the down time between workshop & potluck, workshop participants & families can enjoy some informal hangout time in downtown Searsport, on the waterfront, or at the Mermaid.
NOVEMBER 2, Saturday ~ Irish Music Concert ~ Featuring teen musicians and dancers in Tigh na Coille with Denis Liddy & Elvie Miller from Ireland, and joined by members of teen fiddle groups from Maine, and participants in the afternoon workshop. Concert-goers will enjoy a wide range of instrumentation, from fiddle and flute to banjo and harp, and the singers and Irish step dancers will share their prowess too. Youth $10, General Admission $25, Pay it Forward to support BFS programs for youth $40. At Union Hall, 1 Union St in Searsport at 7:00 pm; Doors open at 6:15 pm.
NOVEMBER 3-5, Sunday – Tuesday ~ Maine AHPERD Conference ~ BFS is a conference sponsor & exhibitor, and Chrissy Fowler leads a workshop session at the 79th annual conference for the Maine Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, at the Samoset Resort, 220 Warrenton St in Rockport, ME. “Community-Building Dancing for All” is scheduled on Monday 11/4 at 4:00pm. Info, full schedule & registration here. Early bird discount through Oct 15. Contact [email protected] if you want to join us to learn more about BFS school residencies.
NOVEMBER 17, Sunday ~ Midcoast Maine Community Square Dance Party ~ Program partnership with Chris Ricciotti and Crescent Moon Farm ~ Caller Chris Ricciotti with Bien Sur (Elaine Malkin & Gail Lipfert). 2:00-3:30pm Québécois music concert; 4:00-6:30pm Square dance featuring Québécois style dances; 6:30pm Community potluck & singing. East Vassalboro Grange, 353 Main St in Vassalboro. Suggested Admission $10-$20. Info: Facebook Group.
DEC 1-6, Mon-Fri ~ Pine Tree Flyers on the Radio ~ WERU‘s “Morning Maine show” features the Pine Tree Flyers (musicians for the Solstice Shine dance in Rockport). Tunes from Maine, ticket giveaways, and on-air conversations!
DEC 2-6, Tues-Fri ~ Fundraising Match for BFS Annual Appeal ~ Your charitable contributions support BFS and its programs! (The Appeal accounts for 20% of the BFS budget each year – we need just $10k to keep our shoes flying.) Double your Donation during the 2024 Fundraising Matching Challenge. Contribute this week, from Giving Tuesday until midnight after the First Friday dance, when all gifts are matched! Donate now at Support or our Home page.

DECEMBER 6 ~ First Friday Dances ~ (Scroll down for 1st Fri details) The contra dance features Chrissy Fowler calling, with music & sound by Henry Road (John Pranio, Glen Loper, Toki Oshima & Jamie Oshima). Celebrating the “19th birthday” of Belfast Flying Shoes! Party hats, frivolity, decorations, special door prizes & the usual good times!
DECEMBER 15, Sunday ~ Midcoast Maine Community Square Dance Party ~ Program partnership with Chris Ricciotti and Crescent Moon Farm ~ Caller Chris Ricciotti with musicians Owen Kennedy (fiddle) and Benjamin Foss (guitar.) At the Morrill Community Center (the former Honesty Grange No. 83), 4 North Main St in Morrill. 2:00 pm Concert, 4:00 pm Square Dance Party, 6:30 pm potluck supper and community singing. Suggested Admission $10-$20. Info: Facebook Group.
DECEMBER 20, Friday ~ OH! Flying Shoes! ~ Special Solstice Shine dance as the 3rd Fri Brooks dance heads into its winter break ~ Program partnership with the Rockport Opera House and the Town of Rockport. Let your shoes fly at this special program in a gorgeous & historic hall on the harbor in Rockport!
- 6 pm All Comers Band Warmup | 6:30-7:30 Community Dance Chrissy Fowler & Lisa Newcomb calling with the All Comers Band | 8-11 pm Contra Dance with Chrissy Fowler and the Pine Tree Flyers (Katie McNally, Emily Troll, Neil Pearlman, Benjamin Foss) $15 – 25 sliding scale admission*. The Rockport Opera House is at 6 Central St in Rockport. (*for folks only attending community dance, it’s $1kids/$2adults)
DECEMBER 31, Tuesday ~ “Last Night Belfast” Community Contra Dance ~ Chrissy Fowler calling with The Twitchell Hill Fiddleheads (Maisie Newell, Eric Dayan & family) and the All Comers Band. All musicians welcome to play! Part of the programming that volunteers are organizing for Last Night Belfast. 6:30-8:00 pm at the First Church in Belfast, UCC. 8 Court St in Belfast. Free will donations will help cover costs. (Lots more is happening in town that evening! See the Last Night Belfast FB page for details, and thanks to the dedicated volunteers who are making this celebration happen!)
JANUARY 3 ~ First Friday Dances ~ (Scroll down for 1st Fri details) The contra dance features Luke Donforth calling, with music by Emily Troll, Eric Boodman & Dan Faiella.
JANUARY 19, Sunday ~ Midcoast Maine Community Square Dance Party ~ Program partnership with Chris Ricciotti and Crescent Moon Farm ~ Callers Chris Ricciotti & Chrissy Fowler with musicians Emily Jeffries (fiddle) and Toki Oshima (guitar.) At the Simonton Corner Community Hall, 366 Main St in Rockport. 4:00 pm Square Dance Party, 6:30 pm potluck supper and community singing. Suggested Admission $10-$20. Info: Facebook Group.