As a Renaissance soul I am able
to sew an apron, bind a book, & refinish a table.
With paint I can counterfeit marble, fabric, or wood;
my plaster repair & interior painting are good.
I like things that sparkle, crinkle,& crunch-
Are you hungry? I make a mean lunch!
Where others see a glass that’s ½ empty,
my cup, (though not fuller), contains plenty.
My musical tastes are often thought to be droll
(I like techno, jazz, blues & old rock-n-roll).
In my quest to banish ennui
it’s contradancing that works best for me:
live music to hear, new partners to greet-
contras help connect my head to my feet.
The neural pathways, as they get rewired,
keep things exciting, & my spirit from getting tired.
Christina Barstow